
Veterans Coming Home: Finding What Works

Building on the success of Veterans Coming Home phases I and II, CPB is supporting a third phase focused on what works for veterans. Phase Three will continue a national digital series and social media engagement campaign, called "Veterans Coming Home: Finding What Works," produced by Kindling Group in partnership with Wisconsin Public Television (Lead Station) and local participating stations. Wisconsin Public Television will also support the activities and engagement of the 12 CPB-funded station grantees around planning, partnerships, production and measurement.

American Graduate Phase Three Station Grants

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is requesting proposals to provide grant funds to geographically diverse public media stations to continue efforts on American Graduate phase three. Stations will work in collaboration with an American Graduate lead station. The grant term is anticipated to run Fall 2017 to Fall 2019. To be eligible to apply for funding, stations must currently receive a CPB Community Service Grant and be in good standing.

“Veterans Coming Home” Content and Engagement Grants

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) is seeking proposals from public media stations to participate in a digital-first content and engagement effort that helps bridge America's military-civilian divide (the "Project"). CPB expects to fund up to 10 Projects at $35,000 per grant for a station to co-produce local stories and participate in community engagement and promotion efforts in support of a digital docuseries. Through this Project, stations will help bridge the divide by working with community partners to illuminate the nuanced, compelling and authentic lives of post-9/11 veterans, enrich the public's understanding of the role of veterans as assets in the community, and engage the public in a new conversation about supporting returning veterans through opportunity.

Public Media Content and Engagement Grants for Stations to Work with Veterans

CPB seeks proposals from public media organizations to participate in a nationwide grant project that will build on public media's strengths to meet the emerging needs of veterans in local communities. Through this project, stations will work with key partner organizations to recognize veterans' service and share their stories, opportunities, and challenges through national and local content, and increase the number of veterans connecting with local resources to support their successful transition to civilian life. CPB expects to fund up to 12 stations at $25,000 per grant.