Digital Transformation Program


​CPB has long invested in digital innovation to help transform the public media system to a digital-first, audience-centric approach, which is vital to public media’s success in meeting the needs of users in a multiplatform media landscape. 

​In 2022-2023, CPB supported the Digital Transformation Program, developed and implemented by the Poynter Institute in conjunction with CPB, which trained 79 public media entities and 458 station personnel.

​Participating organizations achieved significant audience growth, revenue outcomes and “digital firsts” -- generating new digital revenue and membership, accessing digital analytics, and launching digital products.

​Phase 2 of Digital Transformation Program

Building on that success, CPB is accelerating its efforts to make digital transformation more widespread in public media by supporting Phase 2 of the Digital Transformation Program, developed and delivered by the Poynter Institute. The new program is scaled to help more general managers and staff build and increase their digital competencies, develop and share best practices for achieving audience and revenue growth, and engage in cross-collaboration and mutual support.  

​Phase 2 of the Digital Transformation Program can accommodate up to 225 public media station leaders and their staff over the next three years.

The new program will be provided in two tracks – Fundamentals and Advanced

​​Fundamentals Track
The nine-month virtual Fundamentals track will be offered to 150 stations, 50 each year for three years, that have not yet participated in a previous digital transformation program. For more information, please refer to the FAQ.

​Advanced Track

​A new six-month virtual Advanced track will be offered for 75 stations, 25 each year for three years. The Advanced track will be provided for “alumni” stations and personnel who previously completed a similar program (e.g., the first phase of the Digital Transformation Program, the Digital Culture Accelerator program or Poynter’s Table Stakes). For more information, please refer to the FAQ.​ 

​Data and Analytics Training

​In addition, station leaders in both tracks will receive focused data and analytics training to advance their degree of data fluency, and capability to identify, engage, and monetize new and existing audiences.

APPLY NOW for the Digital Transformation Program

Public media stations that have not yet participated in a previous digital transformation program have until September 6, 2024, to apply for the Fundamentals track of the new, enhanced Digital Transformation Program. The first two cohorts of 25 stations each will begin in January 2025 and March 2025, respectively.


Note: Applications for interested “alumni” stations to apply for the Advanced track will open in January 2025.

​Learn more about the new Digital Transformation Program