

Why is there no honest coverage on Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s campaign and poll numbers? This is incredibly disappointing and we deserve to make an informed choice in this election. Please do better.

Robert F Kennedy jr

As an American citizen, I request equal and fair coverage of all presidential candidates- including Robert F Kennedy Jr. Covering his amazing wins for the environment

Robert F Kennedy, Junior

I am appalled at the lack of coverage of this man’s campaign. He is in the lead with voters under 35 and in swing states in voters under age 49. He is doing well with Hispanics, people who have never voted and extremely well within Independents. Where is the coverage? You’re supposed to be non-partisan? Where is the outrage about his lack of Secret Service protection? Where is the coverage of his vice presidential pic? What is going on here?

Unfair and biased coverage

You have purposely NOT been covering RFKjr. As a presidential candidate. He is polling 10-15% and has a serious chance of getting in the White House. You are supposed to be non-partisan in your coverage. Why not cover RFKjr.? He just named his VP Shanahan. There is a lot to report on the. The silence on this issue is deafening!

RFK Jr. Candidacy

Please provide regular updates of RFK Jr.'s polling reports. The American public has the right to know about all the candidates. Thank you!

Election coverage

Please provide more coverage of 3rd party candidates esp. RFK Jr.

NPR RFK Jr. Blackout

RFK JR. Is polling in the double digits nationally yet NPR appears to be solely focused on the two major party candidates. Public broadcasting is supposed to be politically non-biased….

Presidential candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr

I am a big fan of my local PBS station in San Diego. However I have yet to see any coverage of Mr Kennedy and his campaign messages that resonate with people nationwide and NPR seems to be ignoring him. The CPB is supposed to be non partisan in its funding. As an American I'd appreciate seeing and hearing from all my choices for president. Thank you, Erin

Partisan programming

I listened to NPR for 25 years and donated $ every year, but the last four or five years have seen a dramatic change. They were always left leaning, but now they are just as left as MSNBC. They proved it during Covid and then now with their blatant ignoring of RFK Jr. The last straw for me came when Jenn White on 1A started referring to expectant mothers as 'pregnant people'. Enough is enough. No more money and no more listening to your propaganda.

RFK Jr. Presidential Campaign - Lack of coverage

Please provide equivalent coverage of the Kennedy/Shanahan presidential campaign to those of the "major" parties, in keeping with your responsibility to be nonpartisan and nonpolitical in your activities. Thank you.