
Broadcast Engineer, Technical and Regulatory Consultant

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of a broadcast engineering consultant knowledgeable in television and radio broadcasting technology, broadcast spectrum, business operations, and policy to advise CPB on technical and regulatory issues relating to market transition considerations for NextGen TV (ATSC 3.0), broadcast spectrum allocation, content distribution interconnection systems (Interconnection), 5G, emergency alerting technology, FCC matters, and other similar issues as they relate to public broadcasting technology.

Second Amendment to Request for Proposals NGWSGP Technical Advisory and Administrative Assistance

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks technical advisory and administrative services to assist CPB in implementing the FEMA/IPAWS Next Generation Warning System Grant Program (“NGWSGP”).

Technical Advisement on The Future of Content Distribution for Public Media

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of a contractor or contractors (“Contractor”) with comprehensive expertise in broadcast, broadband, and wireless technologies for television, radio, and digital media content distribution to provide guidance on the future of content distribution for public media.

NGWSGP Technical Advisory and Administrative Assistance Service

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks technical advisory and administrative services to assist CPB in implementing the FEMA/IPAWS Next Generation Warning System Grant Program (“NGWSGP”).

Research Partner for Radio and Television Community Service Grants System Consultation

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks a research organization to serve as its research partner (“Partner”) in a review of its Community Service Grant (CSG) programs for public television and radio stations.

RTL 2020-25 Learning Neighborhood Planning Projects

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”), as part of the 2020-25 Ready To Learn initiative (“RTL”), intends to contract with up to thirty public television stations to participate in a capacity-building planning period (“Phase I”) from which a third and final cohort of 18 stations will be selected for funding as Learning Neighborhoods (“Phase II”), an innovative model of community engagement designed to extend the reach and impact of RTL content in low-income communities. A Learning Neighborhood consists of a group of partners, including a local PBS station, that are acutely focused on the early learning needs of children and their families in the local station’s service area (“Learning Neighborhood”). Learning Neighborhoods will intentionally coordinate parent, family and educator experiences and provide a comprehensive set of touchpoints for a community to support a child’s learning, encouraging sustained use and extending the impact of the RTL content. On a macro level, the goal of the Learning Neighborhood will be to foster a community-wide culture that promotes Ready To Learn’s “Learn Together” theme and empowers children and adults to learn anytime, anywhere – at home, in the neighborhood, and within local systems and spaces.

Digital Culture Transformation Program

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (“CPB”) seeks the services of an expert(s) (“Expert”) to work with a minimum of 75 and up to 100 public media stations’ and content production organizations’ (“Public Media Entities”) CEOs and/or their senior executive leadership teams to assist them in accelerating their digital culture transformation efforts at their respective entities in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on public media.

State Capitol News Survey

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is seeking a qualified entity or individual to conduct a survey of state capitol news and legislative affairs coverage by public media radio and television stations.

NextGen TV Transition and Broadcast Engineering Expert

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks the services of an expert(s) (Expert) knowledgeable in television broadcasting technology, spectrum, business operations and policy to advise CPB on issues relating to market transition considerations for NextGen TV (ATSC 3.0), FCC’s TV spectrum repack, 5G wireless technology, and other NextGen TV and spectrum related issues as it relates to public broadcasting as described in more detail in Section IV of the RFP, Work Scope. In addition, CPB seeks the Expert to provide strategic planning assistance through multiple forms such as authoritative, technical reports and presentations.

FY 2020 Healthy Network Initiative for Public Television Stations

CPB is accepting grant applications to its Healthy Network Initiative from CSG-qualified public television stations who join a qualified Joint Master Control (JMC) and/or consolidate two or more Television CSG recipients under one executive management. Five million dollars ($5 million) in funding is available each year and will be granted to eligible applicants on a first-come, first-serve basis.