
Consultant for Editorial Leadership Meeting

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting ("CPB") seeks a consultant ("Consultant") to facilitate a first-ever meeting of local/regional editorial leaders ("Editorial Leadership Meeting") to drive the momentum of collaboration to the next level: building a neural network of public media journalism. The Consultant must be a facilitator with significant experience facilitating large groups of 30 or more managerial-level participants with a wide range of differing views.

Regional Journalism Collaborations

CPB seeks to increase the capacity of public radio and television stations to create high-quality original and enterprise journalism by supporting Regional Journalism Collaborations ("RJCs") that will establish reporting partnerships between multiple station newsrooms in a state or region. Each RJC should be driven by a focused editorial strategy that is of common interest to the communities served by the RJCs and that will result in more original and enterprise journalism and more "news of distinction" in identified topic areas ("Editorial Strategy"). The objectives of the RJCs are to leverage public media's network of local stations to provide stronger local news service to the public media audience and to increase the flow of locally-produced content of national interest to the signature national programs. An additional objective of the RJCs is to expand the diversity of public media's journalism workforce and coverage to reflect the racial and ethnic diversity and range of perspectives throughout America.

Diversity in Programming Leadership

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks grant applications from organizations to develop and manage the Diversity in Programming Leadership project. This grant will support a program that will develop a new and diverse generation of public broadcasting Executive Producers and Senior Producers.

Collaborative Operations and Services Grant Program

The Collaborative Operations and Services ("COS") grant program is intended to support multistation initiatives to fully develop and implement collaborations, strategic alliances and other forms of partnerships that will increase stations' abilities and capacities to achieve more together than each can accomplish alone. The COS will provide smaller grants to assist stations with facilitation, analysis, and research ("FAR") required for establishing parameters for collaboration efforts, as well as larger grants for the implementation of serious collaborative efforts.

Support for Participation in TV Multi-Station Master Controls

This program will assist eligible public TV stations with grants to pay for equipment or fees that are required to participate in existing multi-station master control projects. CPB will provide grants of up to 50% of total project costs for eligible budget items up to $50,000. Priority for grant support will be given to stations that are likely to encounter difficulty in securing capital equipment funding (based on market size, type of service, location or other circumstance), with the highest priority among these being rural stations. Please also note that priority will be given to grantees that plan to participate in multi-station master control projects that are currently operated by public television stations and organizations.