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CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Lidia Bastianich

New York

For all her cooking savvy, Ms. Bastianich and her crew need to get up to date on the downside of almond culture... A full gallon of water is required to create each and every almond. Wonderful to have folks immigrating but then engaging in expansive almond cultivation... Not so great... And when included in a PBS presentation downright dumb. Was anyone at PBS watching the store?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB is also prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. Your comments on Lidia Celebrates America will have more weight if you contact GBH:

Steve Gundry


Why are you risking your reputation( and thinking audience) by broadcasting programs like Dr. Steve Gundry. Fact checking and verifying "science" ads like his would lead anyone with a computer to find out that he is simply selling and his claims are without scientific merit. This makes me wonder about CPB ethics. I certainly won't consider donating anytime soon due to lack of trust.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and does not have any authority over stations. By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. CPB is also prohibited by law from controlling or influencing the editorial or other content of local public television and radio programs. Please contact your local station directly with your concern.

posc 100 or 300 courses content


I did a website on cpb courses content for posc 100 or posc 300 but I am unable to find the exact website. The course name is how is the govt formed or what is the government role or citizenship of thucydides or "pericles" Funeral oration" form of govtin polyponesian war please help me to find the website

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media's content and services. CPB does not produce programming and does not own, operate or control any public broadcasting stations. To learn more about CPB, please go to:

Leading the lambs to slaughter

I was appalled last week by your disregard of the UN appeal for dramatic action on the climate emergency within the next five years. The BBC and DW news broadcasts gave one third of their news time to this crisis. Are you afraid your corporate donors will withdraw their funding? Are you afraid you’ll scare your audience? They SHOULD be afraid and they need to act NOW. And why are stock market numbers more important than the amount of carbon our atmosphere?


New Hampshire

Frontline on Clarence and Ginny Thomas

This show is such blatant propaganda it makes me sick to see it painted as pure fact. Gunny Thomas is referred to as always having been on the "far right". Just because someone stands for conservative principles doesn't equate them to skinheads. This continuous narrative to make any and all conservatives out to be racist caricatures vastly over simplifies the problems of this country and only helps to contribute further to its spiral downwards. You people at PBS are helping to flush the foundations of western culture down the toilet of emotional knee jerk responses.

Aisha Roscoe

New York
" All Things Considered" New Host.. NOT easy to listen to...Especially given importance relevancy of reporting News..bottom line Thank you.

Aisha Roscoe

New York
Aisha Roscoe.." All Things Considered " NOT EASY TO LISTEN TO


Could Nick Shiffrin do a story on whether the citizens held in foreign jails in Russia or Iran might actually be US spies? The assumption always seems to be these are kidnappings without cause and the focus is on the families wanting their loved ones home. What is the rest of the story?

Odd Squad Language

New York
My family are avid PBS viewers of you children's programming, for reference my children are 6 year old twins. We have been watching PBS since they were toddlers with Sesame Street and Daniel Tiger. My son loves Odd Squad. Odd squad based on your ratings is for children 5-8. I have begun to question whether or not some of the content is appropriate for any child in that age range. Some of the language and situations being portrayed are a little older than this age group. What prompted me to write this complaint is a phrase my son has come across from one of the agents. This is just one example but it was my proverbial straw, Agent O'Donahue says "Gag me with a spoon". To most adults this is an innocuous phrase but to an impressionable 6 year old who all but worships the characters of Odd Squad it has lead to some issues at home and school. I am highly disappointed in the writers of this children's show and are out of touch with what appropriate language is for a 5-8 yr old. The development of a 5 yr old and an 8 yr old are entirely different and what is appropriate for one is not for the other. We will no longer be watching Odd Squad in our home and I will scrutinize other PBS kids shows from this point on.



KALW's Mind Over Matter asked listeners to go to KALW website and complete the survey. Well where is it?

When and Why did you change the day/time of Mind Over Matter? It is the only show I know of that offers entertainment while exercising your mind.


Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). We welcome all comments about public media's content and services. CPB is a grant making organization and does not have any authority over stations. KALW's Annual Listener Survey is on their website:

Missouri House Republicans want to defund libraries. Here’s why. PBS NewsHour

See the article in the 28 January Springfield News-Leader: Missouri lawmakers to get 5% raises over next 2 years, first since 2007. Looks like Missouri Representatives are taking library defunding personally; we should too. Kudos to Gabrielle Hays for her insightful article.

/stop you pleas for money

Why would I give to this corporation that lies with your unfair bias for democrats, Biden, and the Woke agenda that is tearing our country apart. It makes me sick every time i hear begging for money when we, the taxpayers, are funding this corporation.


CPB should be making a bid for TikTok. This is the ideal solution for the TikTok dilemma. An acquisition that benefits society, government and CPB.

KQED Article on Oakland, CA Wood St Camp

The federally funded KQED posted an April 5 article on the Oakland, CA Wood St homeless camp that contains a key error (the camp is not self-sustaining but relies on theft and services from taxpayers to operate) and shows bias by glorifying the campers who brought violence, theft, drug use and pollution to the neighborhood without getting the neighbors' side of the story. I request that the article either be edited to at least include input from the Prescott Neighborhood Association, be removed, or that federal funding be removed from KQED.

Book tours by NPR employees

Mary Lousie Kelley (sp?) seems to be on a book tour of many CPB related forums. Tonight it is the NewsHour. Her book was also mentioned on many NPR-related Programs (Fresh Air for one, I think). WOW - Is her book the best and the brightest. Afre there not other books and authors to review time and time again. Please - five the employee one venue. Steve Mangion

Howie Movshovitz

Love hearing Howie's movie reviews. Today I hear him mention a movie, by name which meant nothing, then reviewed the movie capturing my interest in whatever it was! His reviews make the classic mistake of identifying the product then selling it then not telling you the name of the product so that, after your interest has been generated you can identify it and then purchase it. This mistake is made with several products sold on NPR. Come on!

Sunday weekend edition NPR

With all due respect, Ayesha Rascoe might be a good reporter, but she does not have a radio voice that’s pleasant to listen to on a Sunday morning. We find ourselves looking forward to the times when a substitute fills in with a more professional demeanor and voice.

Lawrence welk

I have never (since the 60's ) and realized how prejudiced he was. Keep it up and I'm done with donations and watching. He was a fool. Why I walked to support you back in the 70's !

Creating New Sports For Play During Pandemics

New Hampshire
Hi, Why not have a program that establishes a project to create new sports that are low impact and keep players at least 6 feet apart for play during pandemics like Covid-19 to help with emotional, physical, and economic wellbeing? It can be done. Do an internet search for: National Museum of American History New Gender-Neutral Sport That Keeps Players Separate Here is some information for your staff, clients, associates, viewers, schools and communities can use to create new sports. Some of the reasons school sports and recreational activities were cancelled, suspended, or postponed during Covid-19 were: 1. Players being too close 2. Players together too long. 3. Too many players. 4. Sharing equipment with the head and hands. Below is some information to help individuals, families, schools, and communities create new sports and recreational activities for play during pandemics like Covid-19: 1. Think of your favorite sports. 2. Think of ways to keep players separate at least 6 feet. 3. Add and or take away equipment. 4. Change the rules. 5. Come up with penalties, and bonus points. 6. Create a score sheet. (Consider individual and team tracking). 7. Give it a name. 8. Have fun creating it. 9. Share it. If 100,000 people spend one hour on creating a new sport that keeps players separate for play during pandemics like Covid-19, that would be over 11 years of project time in just one day. When schools are cancelled for weather, teachers' strike etc., how many students are kept home in one year? What if each one worked just one hour on such a project? How many of CPB staff members and associates have ever played sports? Do you remember all the benefits of playing them whether it was just for fun in the neighborhood, practice at school, or competition? How many have children who's sports programs, events, and activities were cancelled, suspended, or postponed during Covid-19? New sports can be created to help prepare society for the next pandemics but there has to be collaboration. The new sports should: 1. Keep players separate at least 6 feet apart. 2. Have no head contact with shared equipment. 3. Be adaptable for those with a disability. 4. Allow different ages and genders to be on the same team. (A parent and grandparent could play, practice, and compete with their child. A Big Brother Big Sister could play, practice, and compete with their little brother little sister). 5. Be playable in the backyard, driveway, parking lots, park, playgrounds, athletic fields and courts, gymnasiums, running tracks, convention centers, exhibits halls, music venues, cruise ships, disaster relief and refugee areas etc. 6. Be for individual and team play. 7. Be competed in-person and remotely. 8. Be playable in just a couple minutes for those with busy schedules or less fitness but also longer for leagues and more playing. 9. Playable inside and outside in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. The sport could be used for fundraising and uniting the school and community. It could be used to bring attention to other local, national, or global challenges. It could be used during a going away celebration or in memory of a loved one. If we ask: "What will happen to sports and recreational activities if we have another pandemic like Covid-19 tomorrow?" Are we prepared to allow society to play together in physical activity while maintaining social distance? It doesn't matter what business, school, or community creates the new sports. What is important is that they get created and put into national and global play before the next pandemics. Come countries will eventually create these new sports based on research and experience with pandemics. This opportunity was missed during the 1918 pandemic. Reading / research material includes but no limited to: 1. National Geographic: October 2005, June 2006, August 2020, November 2020. 2. Book, Kid Athletes, Sports Legends 3. Book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Shot 4. Book, Devoted, A Father's Love For His Son 5.Book, Tiki & Ronde Barber, Wild Card 6. Book, The Sports Book , The Games, The Rules, The Tactics, & The Techniques 7. Book, Webster's Sports Dictionary 8. Book, B. G. Hennessy, The Olympics 9. Book, The Games Do Count, Brian Kilmeade 10. Book, First Things First, Kurt & Brenda Warner 11. Book, Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy 12. Book, Larry Bird Drive 13. Book, My Life Earvin "Magic" Johnson 14. Book, The TB12 Method: How to Do What You Love, Better and for Longer - by Tom Brady 15, Book, The Great Influenza, John M Barry