Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.



July 2019

I just wanted to mention how very sad it is that people can’t get public broadcasting stations over the air unless they live certain areas. I have an excellent attenta and I can always get Fox but I can only get WTTW when you’re having a fundraiser event. Other than that, I don’t. As a taxpayer, although I’m working poor so I don’t pay a lot towards you, I think its really sad that there is no effort made to ensure that the working poor who need this type of television programming are considered. That’s my comment, very sad. I miss watching many, many programs, but I’m poor so you don’t care.  

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Although CPB does not distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media's content and services. CPB, through the federal appropriation, supports more than 1,500 locally owned and operated public television and radio stations serving nearly 99 percent of the American population living in rural, small-town and urban communities in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and four commonwealths and territories. Public media is a trusted source of information, education and culture for millions of Americans, including, in disproportionately large numbers, underserved populations such as rural Americans, minorities, older Americans, lower-income families and individuals with disabilities. If you are experiencing a temporary technical issue with the broadcast of your local public media station please contact your local station for more information and to determine when service will be restored.

PBS NewsHour

June 2019

Hello this is a regular viewer, I was watching today, Monday, June 24th evening news with Judy Woodruff interviewing Paul Ryan. He really slid by her at the most crucial applauded question that she asked about our President being a model for children. He slid by her without her pressing him kindly for a true response instead of confusing her. Thank you.  

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:

Station Logo

July 2019

Hi I’ve been PBS watcher and subscriber for over thirty years. Recently, We’ve noticed that our WAMC Albany has chosen to display a large, white, dense logo almost in the middle of the screen on all of the programs. It is so annoying and so districting that we have stopped watching. We’ve called them and we have written to them and they have not responded. We hoped that you might be able to express this to them. When did the logo of the station become more important than the programming? Other stations have a very small, very faint logo at the bottom of the screen. I was hoping that you would call.  

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB is a grant making organization and does not have programming or logo decision authority over stations. Please contact the station directly with your concern. You may also take your complaint directly to the FCC.

Presidential debates


Should PDS and NPR host the presidential debates including the individual party debate? It seems that would fit with the charter of CPB.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact PBS with your suggestion at


June 2019

Hi my name is … I have a concern about the new premier of the cartoon Arthur that is going to view this fall. I’m concerned with same-sex marriage. I would certainly like to complain about that and urge you not to do that.  

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and sharing your concerns about a recent episode of Arthur. CPB provides no funding support for the children’s series Arthur. The Corporation does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local stations.

Sound quality


Why is the sound quality on the pbs news hour consistently poor?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not broadcast programming. Please contact your local station or PBS with your concerns at


June 2019

Hi this is .. I am a mother and a grandmother, and I am absolutely appalled that the cartoon character Arthur is having a same-sex marriage on their programming for the premier this season. It is awful. I will not support public broadcasting if you are going to put this kind of stuff on. I am asking all of my friends with young children not to watch this show  

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and sharing your concerns about a recent episode of Arthur. CPB provides no funding support for the children’s series Arthur. The Corporation does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local stations.

NPR News Hour


When reporting about gun violence, why are those not actually killed... those also shot, who are usually severely injured, disfigured and disabled, ignored? Is being more detailed too complicated? The unacceptable implication is that those who do not actually die are OKAY..... not even remotely true !!!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS, NPR, or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact your local station directly.

WGBH August 2019 pledge week shows


I love Boston channel WGBH but I cannot understand why for the past week and now into this week their pledge week marathon shows are the same films of old music groups that the channel has shown in years past over and over and over from decades ago e.g. the BeeGees, Peter Paul and Mary, The Highwaymen etc. etc. all once great in their time. Why the station owners, or whomever makes these decisions, think that these repeated and repeated again ancient programs will motivate the audience to make pledges is a great mystery. Please explain. By the way, I am 76 years old so loved these groups in their time!

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations. If you have questions or comments about the show, please contact WGBH directly:

NPR Newshour August 5, 2019


I think that Amna Nawaz is a truly gifted and wonderful journalist and anchor. However, I felt that she totally lost her objectivity while interviewing Larry Ward on Monday. I am no fan of his type of rhetoric but I do not perceive her role to be an adjudicator. That's it. Best. Greg Landretti

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. However, CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on PBS or local public television and radio stations. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS directly:


July 2019

Hello, I wanted to complain about the recent episode of Arthur where there was a same-sex marriage. I do not approve of that and I do not like tax dollars used to further that agenda. Same-sex marriage is wrong. 

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and sharing your concerns about a recent episode of Arthur. CPB provides no funding support for the children’s series Arthur. The Corporation does not produce or distribute programming and is prohibited by law from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local stations.