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Where is NPR's coverage of the 3rd viable candidate in the presidential race, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.? No polling information, no updates on his ballot access, etc.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

RFK Jr. Candidacy

Please provide regular updates of RFK Jr.'s polling reports. The American public has the right to know about all the candidates. Thank you!

Unfair and biased coverage

You have purposely NOT been covering RFKjr. As a presidential candidate. He is polling 10-15% and has a serious chance of getting in the White House. You are supposed to be non-partisan in your coverage. Why not cover RFKjr.? He just named his VP Shanahan. There is a lot to report on the. The silence on this issue is deafening!

Robert F Kennedy, Junior

New York
I am appalled at the lack of coverage of this man’s campaign. He is in the lead with voters under 35 and in swing states in voters under age 49. He is doing well with Hispanics, people who have never voted and extremely well within Independents. Where is the coverage? You’re supposed to be non-partisan? Where is the outrage about his lack of Secret Service protection? Where is the coverage of his vice presidential pic? What is going on here?

Robert F Kennedy jr

North Carolina
As an American citizen, I request equal and fair coverage of all presidential candidates- including Robert F Kennedy Jr. Covering his amazing wins for the environment


Why is there no honest coverage on Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s campaign and poll numbers? This is incredibly disappointing and we deserve to make an informed choice in this election. Please do better.

Media Blackout

I am very concerned about your media blackout of the RFKjr campaign. My belief when I have listened to NPR and contributed in the past is that it would be nonpartisan or political. The RFKjr campaign has been completely ignored in most of it’s reporting on the 2024 election. When it has been mentioned, it has been slandered as “anti-vax” or “conspiracy theorist” with no explanation. This is clearly skewed for political and partisan reasons.

Where is Robert F Kennedy Jr for President Coverage??

Read content here: 70% of all US voters do not eant a Biden vs. Trump rematch and 52% of US voters are declaring independence from party affiliation. This should be covered by NPR.

The sidelining of Robert Kennedy Jr.

I am writing to convey my disappointment at the obvious censuring of the presidential campaign of Robert Kennedy Jr. While CPB is required to maintain a strict nonpartisan and nonpolitical stance in all its activities, it seems odd that NPR continues to ignore the increasing popular campaign of Mr. Kennedy, who, in some states is polling upwards of 25%. This can only be due to a concerted and coordinated effort to censure Mr. Kennedy from your programming. As a longtime listener of NPR, I encourage CPB to stick to its own principles and support the democratic process by covering Mr. Kennedy's campaign.

RKFJr coverage

New York
I’ve been a supporter of NPR for many years and an enthusiastic listener. Your lack of coverage of RFKJr is very upsetting. When you do mention him - every time I’ve heard it mentioned like this “ conspiracy theorist Robert Kennedy”. It’s shameful that you are so blatantly being biased. I will no longer be donating and will encourage others to stop as well. Sadly- Christine Pepe

Nonbiased reporting.


I am shocked and disappointed CPB has been completely ignoring Robert Kennedy Jr’s presidential campaign. CPB is supposed to unbiased and nonpartisan. Ignoring that this is a three horse race and that Kennedy’s favorability is higher than Biden or Trump. Americans deserve to be informed so that people elect the next president and not the media or corruption in govt. We expect higher standards so that we don’t devolve into a completely govt media controlled state which indicate we have ceased to be a democracy and instead have become an autocracy. Please protect the Constitution and give fair and balanced coverage to all candidates.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact your local stations, PBS or NPR with your suggestion.


New York

Im voting third party, I like RFK jr. I’m interested to hear more about him. And here some feedback on his positions. Chronic health, AI, regenerative farming More importantly x is not good for me I don’t enjoy scrolling I want to come back, please start reporting the news without bias.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). By law, CPB is prohibited from producing or broadcasting programming. Please contact your local stations, PBS or NPR with your suggestion.



Dear NPR, I did not need an essay by Uri Berliner to see the degradation of balanced journalism by NPR. I am all for diversity, equity and inclusion but this is not it. Until things improve and news coverage returns to the middle, I will not contribute to funding you and will encourage others to do likewise. There are other and better alternatives which I now use. Best, M****m W. R********t

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

PBS Passport

I recently had a frustrating experience trying to work with CPB based on how the affiliates are structured. I have donated to WHRO/V in Hampton Roads VA for years when I lived there. I appreciated the programing and donating gave me access to PBS shows on Passport. After moving to the DC area I donated to WAMU expecting that to continue. For reasons I still don't fully understand I've since been told that I would have to donate separately to WETA to get passport in this area. I know no one was trying to be misleading. There's no reason WETA/WAMU would know about or share WHRV/WHROs policies, but the different structure left me misled when donating to NPR had very different results in the different regions.

Bobby Kennedy Jr

Hardly any coverage of Bobby Jr's amazing, dynamic campaign. What gives? Aren't you guys supposed to be unbiased?

POTUS Campaign of Robert F Kennedy, Jr

Let's have some non-opinion journalism of Kennedy's polling numbers WEEKLY on NPR, please. Just the facts, ma'am. We can come to our own conclusions. Thank you.

Campaign fairness

Stop ignoring Kennedy!!!

Liberal bias


Sirs. The recent editorial regarding the liberal leaning nature of NPR equally applies to PBS. We are regular viewers on the News Hour at dinner and are repeatedly struck by the slanted reporting and bias viewpoints of the “experts”. Not subtle. I would suggest getting commentary from someone other academics. Real word working people often have equally valuable ideas. Respectfully. David T******n. Monterey California

NPR news

As I long time listener, I am disappointed that I have yet to hear legitimate coverage on the Kennedy/Shanahan presidential campaign. I thought NPR was supposed to be non-biased?

PBS New Hour and NPR News

Please include Robert F Kennedy Jr’s campaign for president. The lack of coverage is galling and undermines the mission of publicly funded media.