Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.



Greetings! I am a long time NPR listener and supporter, having enjoyed the variety in programming and radio personalities for over 30 years. The radio goes on in the morning and remains on throughout the day. Even when away, I leave NPR on to keep my pets company. Although Sunday Morning has been a favorite for years, I cringe when Ayesha Rascoe’s voice hits my ears. I am uncertain which sounds worse the extremely grating tone or the overly casual dialect. I especially struggle with her frequently dropping word endings (such as goin’ or Weeken’ Edition). I enjoy what she has to say, however, her presentation is difficult for me to hear. I value the balanced news that I receive via NPR but my Sunday mornings present a challenge. Thank you for this format and the opportunity to enable me to share my thoughts. Nancy Clinton


It sure was easy to see where all Six of them are politically …Their political views are Democratic.. I tried to watch their coverage…just could not…The HATE is so obvious…. Anxious to see how they cover the DNC.. True journalism is Who What When & Where. That ship sailed long ago….sad Tragic…Shame on Judy


Your coverage and support of the extremist and dictators is abhorrent and your undermining position interviews on President Biden are shameful. I guess money talks over values and you could care less that if extremists are elected your job will be controlled by a dictator

Rnc coverage

I watched your "coverage" of the rnc last night. Your squad talk was at best atrocious. How can someone spew so much hate and it be left uncorrected. Is there not one of you overpaid buffoons that knows how to balance anything in reporting. I do give you credit for this one thing; when you interviewed guests who knew what they were taking about, you mostly kept the talk civil. Ithrew the years have enjoyed pb programs. You can count on this, my last time to waste on cpb. I have mostly supported you guys, now I will urge my congressman and senator to stop any taxpayer funding.

donations to PBS

After watching several news type programs on PBS, I can see how biased PBS is. I will NEVER EVER donate another dollar to PBS. I have enjoyed PBS programming for several years. But any news programs or political programs are so biased that it is laughable. Yet another news media outlet trying to persuade Americans how to vote by telling only one side of the story, gross exaggerations or by out and out lying about the side they do not endorse. How do you people sleep at night? You are dividing the country not uniting it. You should not allow biased shows to air on a network that you want your audience to pay for.

Nawas Amna

My wife and I are long time viewers of PBS News Hour. In fact the News Hour has been our "go to" news program for 35 years. This week for the first time ever we have switched channels while watching Amna interviewing NATO officials. We are weary of reporters constantly asking leading questions which reflect their personal opinion. PBS cannot continue to claim the high road with this kind of journalism. One might suggest you change your name to Fox PBS News Hour. Scab picking sensationalism has been creeping into the program for far too long. For your own survival you should arrest it now.

Project 2025

The public needs to be made aware of Trump’s Project 2025 plan for our country. Please expose his propaganda and how it will impact all of us.

End Genocide Worldwide; pbs x by Omission, pbs, not public tv, but an arm of nbc, are not demanding an End to wars in Gaza and

Palestine, Sudan, Kenya, Ukraine, and elsewhere. Stand up for Humanity. Quit wasting time on the ridiculous No Election '2&, Rump v. Bitin'". Get rid of your non -expert announcers who are a ti- heterosexual discriminatory fops. Takec ontracrptives, nix on abortions. The Ukraine v. Put in war will never end;it's been long -drawn-out for years and for profi; no diplomacy and negotiations to end it. Get rid of right-wing fake-Istael. Save real Israelis and Palestinians. Show how the government manipulated the climate and weather. You are despicable and Phony overall

Ayesha Raskoe

I've had to stop listening to npr on Sundays because of this woman's terrible voice. Grating, immature, high-pitched, and just awful to hear. Not to mention the terrible grammar and squealing in unscripted sections (i.e., interviews) it just sounds like amater hour. In contrast i do love Audie Cornish's voice (smooth delivery, calm tone) When a voice on radio is soooo unprofessional and distracting, one stops hearing the content and only the voice. It's very dispiriting to have to give up Sunday npr.

Partisan garbage

It is sad that PBS Newshour has such complete contempt for ethics and objectivity. The whole program is nothing but Democrat talking points and slanders on Republicans. Why are my tax dollars going to support utterly mindless partisanship?

MC Lyte

Put MC LYTE EXCLUSIVELY. The Great and Only Mc Lyte has every right to be available Live and hosting upcoming new to release Broadcasting Shows that I Roderick Lamond Douglas whom is currently residing in East Texas, Tyler, Texas representing Queen MC Lyte ONLY that I Roderick Lamond Douglas requesting Mc Lyte for interviews and forwarded throughout all networks and corporate investors with magazines for album of the year Mc Lyte NEW music and film in all else support of African American female women to hold and produce countless hits of Mc Lyte as I Roderick Lamond Douglas witnessed unlimited perfectly live performances throughout all of the whole world. That the new song with Missy and Mocha MC Lyte is a guarantee Star Studded Performances from the three.... The Great and Only Mc Lyte has every right to be available Live and hosting upcoming new to release Broadcasting Shows that I Roderick Lamond Douglas whom is currently residing in East Texas, Tyler, Texas representing MC Lyte!!!!! I was just doing promotional purposes non profit only mentioned in the messages for only beneficial to the artists described in the said messages short and thank you for real of the concern......


Unbelievable bias! PBS has been overtaken, as has NPR. It has lost all credibility. Your cheap shot at defecting blame is as expected

New Studio Design at PBS News Hour

Did anyone look at the new broadcast set design with guest's and anchors in the set? You have the allusion of pipes growing out of the head of people on set or even worse rods running horizontally through the heads & bodies of people on set. As for the color scheme it is very overpowering, sutler would have been nice even enjoyable if you really think new was needed here is a clue NO THE CHANGE WAS NOT NEEDED it adds nothing except money in the hands of people who took you for a ride. Not a smart move on the positive side the BLUE captioned print GREAT very readable I just watched Politics Monday segment could you have crammed the two presenters closer together did the camera loose the ability to pan from one presenter to another. I know you did not ask but I would only give these changes 20% for improvement. Dam your doing NEWS not a Broadway Production. I came for the Content which is what COUNTS if I wanted a movie set I would go to the Drive IN or a movie theater DO NOT REPLY bogus email


Yesterday, a NPR reporter said that Israel "claims" 1100 killed by Hamas. Claims??? Could they be more dismissive of the slaughter of innocent people? Why are our tax dollars paying for this?

NPR Weekend Edition

I have been listening to NPR for more than 30 years. I am sad to see the imbroglio NPR has gotten itself into regarding the politics of its newsroom. I hope that NPR weathers that storm. Please--in the name of God, PLEASE--get Ayesha Rascoe off of the radio. I am sure she is a competent, professional, and nice person, but her voice is like fingernails on a chalkboard. I just cannot listen to her speak, and I cannot listen to NPR's weekend news shows anymore. It is painful.


No longer for the public. Pro communist Should no longer be funded


Recently NPR has been scrutinized and found out only Democratic people work for it,it is funded by the feds that operate the education department of commerce and also CPB. So do you feel that you're not biased in your contributions towards an only Democrat news provider? Isn't this slanted ? I'm fine with the elections coming up and it's such a struggle for all parties in election that you're just contributing to the party of your choice which is Democrat do you have anything to say about this


New Hampshire
It is very disappointing that America is no longer objective, and no one seems to care. Why do you only support Democrats? Why are we going backwards? Is this Nazi Germany? Why are you guys supporting silencing of opposing views? Shouldn't diversity of opinions matter? You should not be giving any money to NPR as its a mouthpiece for a political party. I try to listen to NPR to support them, but I do not want to support someone who cannot give me the truth even if it goes against what I believe. How do you change peoples minds? And the Leader of NPR thinks its a good thing. I don't care who you vote for, our news organization should be honest. I'm tired of all the lying. Especially by politicians. Can we stop lying on the radio on programs that are supposed to be objective? Shouldn't you be writing off your grants as political donations?

NPR funding

I hope that you will discontinue funding for NPR until the CEO, Katherine Maher, resigns. A CEO who suspends an employee for pointing out bias is not fit for the job. A publicly funded communication outlet should present a variety of ideas.


My wife and I are nonpartisan moderates and are members of two public radio stations (KVMR, KKCR). We are not members of our local Sacramento based Cap Public Radio. The reason that we are not members is because of their support of NPR. We like our news fair and balances. NPR is anything but that. NPR news can be characterized as Trump bad, abortion good, police bad and play the race card whenever possible. The recent relevations by the NPR whistleblower support our opinion. NPR is not a constructive use of our hard earned tax dollars and doesn't reflect the values of the majority of American taxpayers. We are asking you to stop all taxpayer funding of NPR. NPR can survive without our money. We have shared our beliefs with our congressman. Please respond.