Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


PBS news so biased!!!

South Carolina
I use to give money to PBS. I don't any more because PBS has become sooo left wing. It is a disgrace!!!!

Washington Week

I have been watching Washington Week in Review since the early 1970s when Paul Duke was the moderator. He had great panelists on, such as David Broder and Peter Lisador. Whatever their personal views, they would try to give honesty analyses about the political news and would sometimes differ among themselves. It was must-see TV. When Paul Duke left, he was replaced by Ken Bode, who carried on in the Paul Duke tradition. When PBS wanted Bode to bring more “edge” to the show, he refused and was then fired. Gwen Ifill brought an “edge” to the show, now renamed as Washington Week. She hated Republicans and made no effort to conceal this. She was then replaced by Robert Costa. Costa would begin each show by breathlessly announcing new breakthroughs in the Russian collusion case. After the Mueller report came out, Costa refused to apologize to the audience, even though it was the minimum he needed to do to restore his reputation. Robert Costa is no longer at Washington Week or the Washington Post, for that matter. Costa was then replaced by Yamiche Alcindor, who sees virtually every issue in terms of race. She has only panelists on the show who agree with her. Washington Week has become a propaganda show.


The post-Judy program is dull, flat, and center-less. The segments feel longer, and there’s a diminished sense of camaraderie among the reporters. The two-host format isn’t working, and Geoff’s hosting especially fails to elicit easy responses from guests—even Brooks. Losing Politics Monday just adds to the size of the hole.

PBS comments are not available to readers

Many people comment here about PBS programming and you invariably tell them to contact PBS directly. However, comments to PBS are not listed on their website, so readers/listeners have no idea if others have the same issues with their programming. This is a huge disincentive for people to provide intelligent feedback, as they do on the NYTimes website. Given the fact that CPB has considerable influence on PBS, it seems disingenuous for you to tell people to send their comments to an organization that does not publish comments.

Judy Woodruff special projects


It’s wonderful that the terrific talents and experience of Judy Woodruff will be used to keep a pulse on our nation’s opinions and trends. If she wants to talk with someone who has a very common-sense and compassionate perspective on American life, my wife, Barbara Johnson would be a uniquely qualified person to talk with. I know that this is probably an email that will be dismissed, but I thought I would give you and/or Judy an opportunity to gain a rural, midwestern view on our nation’s issues. Richard J*****n

Burns The us and the Holocaust


You are promoting distortion of history.

"The Heritage of Slavery"


I represent a nonprofit dedicated to alleviate hunger inAmerica. We would like to use a youtube clip from your series "of Black America". It appears that episode 5 is copyrighted. I believe Fair Use applies but please let me know if you have any legal objection to using this episode in our online Hunger Museum.. Thank you.

The heritage of slavery. By Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.

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Registration Number / Date RE0000717530 / 1996-01-04 Renewal Registration for A00000046722 / 1968-09-12 Type of Work Text Title The heritage of slavery. By Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. Series Of Black America Copyright Claimant CBS, Inc. (PWH) Names Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc. CBS, Inc.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not fund projects unrelated to public broadcasting. Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) is a commercial broadcast television and radio network.

Funding Radio & Television


I am a retired Public radio engineer. I am retired from two Universities. I worked at the radio stations for over two decades. At the second Radio station our transmitter was co-located at the PBS transmitter. So for over ten years I had the opportunity to observe the transmitter sites of both an NPR and PBS stations. In the time I was there, the television station replaced their transmitter 3 times. While that was going on there was no money for replacing my 30 year old transmitter. Maybe I am that much a better engineer than theirs were. Well, I must admit that during that time the change from NTSC to ATSC occurred. That change should have been funded outside of the regular equipment replacement funding. My point is that television is funded far in excess of what radio needs. A radio station should not be required to keep repairing a 20 to 30 year old transmitter when the television station is over-funded that they can replace theirs twice. I AM erring on the conservative side in saying that they replaced their transmitter twice during that period.

I am an engineer. I therefore not a writer. I tend to be terse. I am not a persuasive writer or speaker. I must insist that you take my statements and observations as real and more critical than I am stating here.

Quick Question


Hello CPB Team, Happy Wednesday!

This is Amilkar. I reached out a few days ago and wanted to follow up and see if you had the chance to review our resource as a possible addition to your web page.

We appreciate and welcome any feedback you may have regarding our information.   I look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). CPB does not share projects unrelated to public broadcasting. To learn more about CPB and its mission, go to

Judy Woodruff


I would like to make positive and supportive comments to Judy Woodruff for her series that is now airing in Boise Idaho about what America is so polarized politically. Can you tell me how to sent here an email? Thank you

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). All inquiries, complaints and feedback can be sent to


All the other cooking shows are on. But the Great BRITISH BAKING SHOW.? that's the best and most current program. I dont watch kvie cooking show any more



All the other cooking shows are on. But the Great BRITISH BAKING SHOW.? that's the best and most current program. I dont watch kvie cooking show any more

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB). Although CPB does not produce or distribute programming, we welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. CPB does not fund stations, producing organizations or programs outside the United States. Each local public broadcasting station makes its own programming choices, as CPB is prohibited from interfering with editorial decisions related to programming on local public television and radio stations.

Politics Monday

I used to watch the News Hour on Mondays and Fridays specifically because I liked the commentary. I miss Politics Monday! Now I’m down to Friday alone. Additionally, reporting seems “fluffier”, e.g., no mention yesterday of sending tanks to Ukraine.

National Public Radio Audit

When was the last time you audited National Public Radio for balance and objectivity? Is the audit public? NPR stopped trying to show the both sides of any issue in 2016; I assumed balance and objectivity would return after Trump left office, but the progressive/liberal slant on all stories continues. I was a big fan and generous supporter of NPR prior to 2017. No longer.

get rid of kabin

he is stupid this is a music station noit an idiot tlk show

Politics Monday

why did you drop Amy Walter's and Tamara Keith's segment Poltics Monday from the Newshour?

black woman on washington week

Get this liar off of your show, spewing lies. She said someone was looking for nancy pelosi, but beat up her husband instead. Lies.

washington week

Nothing but a trump bashing show. Very biased. But it doesn't matter because I'm sure you have low viewership.. I just watch it cuz I love sht shows. LOL


Please investigate and do a report on Congressman Santos

Elinor Wonders Why to be Renewed for Season 2

Hi, I am submitting you a ticket to renew Elinor Wonders Why for a season 2. In the new season, Elinor and her friends continue exploring and visit new friends from around the world and from a different town. If you renew the series for a second season, I will get back to you.