Your Feedback

CPB seeks to make public broadcasting more accessible to the public it serves. To do so CPB maintains a toll-free, 24-hour telephone line (1-800-272-2190), an online contact form, and accepts letters sent directly to CPB.

All comments are available on this website to be viewed by the general public. Each year, by statute, CPB transmits this public link to the White House for its report to Congress. Additionally, comments pertaining to programming are shared with the CPB Board of Directors and relevant public media staff.


Sunday weekend edition NPR

With all due respect, Ayesha Rascoe might be a good reporter, but she does not have a radio voice that’s pleasant to listen to on a Sunday morning. We find ourselves looking forward to the times when a substitute fills in with a more professional demeanor and voice.

Lawrence welk

I have never (since the 60's ) and realized how prejudiced he was. Keep it up and I'm done with donations and watching. He was a fool. Why I walked to support you back in the 70's !

Ayesha Rascoe

North Carolina

I have listened to NPR for 40+ years. Mostly great! I do not want to hurt anyone's feelings, but this young lady is in the wrong job. I have read a lot of comments on several forums, and I am confident you are aware of how many people are just simply annoyed by her voice, not to mention her lack of command over the basics of grammar and pronunciation. I am sure she is a nice person- she does seem upbeat and enthusiastic. I just can not listen anymore on Sundays. Is there a chance she could be moved to a different role and be replaced by someone who can bring back the Sunday listeners? Thank you so much for the opportunity to provide feedback.

The CPB is no longer needed

New Jersey

The CPB is only funding far-left liberal fascist mouthpieces like NPR and there is zero political balance in any of the media outlets that they fund. Furthermore, with the movement away from network-only TV to anyone-can-stream Internet - there's no need to offset network-only programming anymore. Therefore, the CPB should not even exist anymore. I would posit that the only reason they do is because of the mountain of money that they get from our taxes - once you start paying that money, the people in charge are going to fight to keep it.

Nobody trusts you or the mainstream media anymore. The CPB is less than useless, they are a harmful force. So go away, you're no longer wanted.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB welcomes all comments about public media and its services. Public broadcasting services champion the principles of diversity and excellence of programming, responsiveness to local communities, and service to all. The system reaches nearly 99% of the U.S. population with free programming and services. You can access public television and digital-only programs through, the PBS Video app, and Youtube. You can also access public radio and podcasts through, the NPR One app, and digital platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts and more. In addition to providing free high-quality, educational programming for children, arts, and award winning current affairs programming, public media stations provide educational resources and life-saving emergency alert services. To learn more about CPB and the work that CPB does, please go to:

The Newshour


Tonight (April 19) the captioning on the PBS Newshour was laughably bad! It even mangled Amna Nawaz's name!. I don't understand why the Newshour has such atrocious captioning. On a high-quality program like this, it's appalling to see captions that misinterpret so many words. Cheapens what is otherwise a good newscast. Is it all done by AI?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. Your comments will have more weight if you contact PBS NewsHour directly:

Tobacco land chorus on air in the 60’s


My father sang with tobaccoland chorus sometime after 63. They recorded an album in the studio. Is there a chance that you have the video?

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. We welcome all comments about public media’s content and services. For archival videos of public broadcasting, please visit or contact the American Archive of Public Broadcasting:

Creating New Sports For Play During Pandemics

New Hampshire
Hi, Why not have a program that establishes a project to create new sports that are low impact and keep players at least 6 feet apart for play during pandemics like Covid-19 to help with emotional, physical, and economic wellbeing? It can be done. Do an internet search for: National Museum of American History New Gender-Neutral Sport That Keeps Players Separate Here is some information for your staff, clients, associates, viewers, schools and communities can use to create new sports. Some of the reasons school sports and recreational activities were cancelled, suspended, or postponed during Covid-19 were: 1. Players being too close 2. Players together too long. 3. Too many players. 4. Sharing equipment with the head and hands. Below is some information to help individuals, families, schools, and communities create new sports and recreational activities for play during pandemics like Covid-19: 1. Think of your favorite sports. 2. Think of ways to keep players separate at least 6 feet. 3. Add and or take away equipment. 4. Change the rules. 5. Come up with penalties, and bonus points. 6. Create a score sheet. (Consider individual and team tracking). 7. Give it a name. 8. Have fun creating it. 9. Share it. If 100,000 people spend one hour on creating a new sport that keeps players separate for play during pandemics like Covid-19, that would be over 11 years of project time in just one day. When schools are cancelled for weather, teachers' strike etc., how many students are kept home in one year? What if each one worked just one hour on such a project? How many of CPB staff members and associates have ever played sports? Do you remember all the benefits of playing them whether it was just for fun in the neighborhood, practice at school, or competition? How many have children who's sports programs, events, and activities were cancelled, suspended, or postponed during Covid-19? New sports can be created to help prepare society for the next pandemics but there has to be collaboration. The new sports should: 1. Keep players separate at least 6 feet apart. 2. Have no head contact with shared equipment. 3. Be adaptable for those with a disability. 4. Allow different ages and genders to be on the same team. (A parent and grandparent could play, practice, and compete with their child. A Big Brother Big Sister could play, practice, and compete with their little brother little sister). 5. Be playable in the backyard, driveway, parking lots, park, playgrounds, athletic fields and courts, gymnasiums, running tracks, convention centers, exhibits halls, music venues, cruise ships, disaster relief and refugee areas etc. 6. Be for individual and team play. 7. Be competed in-person and remotely. 8. Be playable in just a couple minutes for those with busy schedules or less fitness but also longer for leagues and more playing. 9. Playable inside and outside in the winter, spring, summer, and fall. The sport could be used for fundraising and uniting the school and community. It could be used to bring attention to other local, national, or global challenges. It could be used during a going away celebration or in memory of a loved one. If we ask: "What will happen to sports and recreational activities if we have another pandemic like Covid-19 tomorrow?" Are we prepared to allow society to play together in physical activity while maintaining social distance? It doesn't matter what business, school, or community creates the new sports. What is important is that they get created and put into national and global play before the next pandemics. Come countries will eventually create these new sports based on research and experience with pandemics. This opportunity was missed during the 1918 pandemic. Reading / research material includes but no limited to: 1. National Geographic: October 2005, June 2006, August 2020, November 2020. 2. Book, Kid Athletes, Sports Legends 3. Book, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Big Shot 4. Book, Devoted, A Father's Love For His Son 5.Book, Tiki & Ronde Barber, Wild Card 6. Book, The Sports Book , The Games, The Rules, The Tactics, & The Techniques 7. Book, Webster's Sports Dictionary 8. Book, B. G. Hennessy, The Olympics 9. Book, The Games Do Count, Brian Kilmeade 10. Book, First Things First, Kurt & Brenda Warner 11. Book, Quiet Strength, Tony Dungy 12. Book, Larry Bird Drive 13. Book, My Life Earvin "Magic" Johnson 14. Book, The TB12 Method: How to Do What You Love, Better and for Longer - by Tom Brady 15, Book, The Great Influenza, John M Barry

Ayesha Rascoe


I'm certain that Ayesha Rascoe is a serious and professional journalist. But I am also certain that she does not have a "radio" voice. It is grating and annoying. Please consider replacing her. I cannot listen to NPR on Sunday with her as the host of Weekend Edition.

Note from CPB: Thank you for contacting the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. CPB welcomes all comments about public media and its services. However, CPB and NPR are separate organizations. CPB does not produce programming or employ journalists. CPB and NPR are two separate organizations. To contact NPR, please visit

About Your Shows

Dear The Corporation For The Public Broadcasting, I like your support for PBS Kids. Hope you're doing well. Sincerely, Harrison

March 29 2023 News hour

Your segment on Medicaid very nice idea,. Tell me, find out about Medicare and the Lack of Dental Care. I have an appointment with an oral surgeon July 24. 2023. This is my evaluation for what should be done but can i afford these procedures? NO. They have an Opt OUT on any Medicare plans of which I have. So on the advise of my dentist they told me to get Delta Dental insurance. So I did, it will cost me $50 dollars a month of which I still need to pay approximately $3000.0 dollars out of pocket. I do not have close to that amount, pretty sad. I have called and emailed Senator Sanders officer a State Representative, Age Well and many others. I am told to call Legal Aid I called but they offer no options . I hear NO every lead. Can you report on that the USA does not help Seniors with help with any dental, oral surgeon in the elite status cost are extremely high. I have worked since I was 16 years old now I am 67 years old and am afraid. I went to college got my degree in Radiology worked 21 years until I was injured. Had to have surgery of my cervical spine, a fusion. First time the surgeon failed good thing I ask to see the surgery notes. I read that it was not fused so I needed another surgery. Very difficult, Prior to that fiasco I raised two boys working in Radiology. They both have Masters degrees. I would like to know where I can get help for the oral surgery. Is it possible that if you read this that with more experience as to we’re and how to get financial help . It truly should not be like this as dental health can be preventive as it can stop infections from tooth to brain via the infection area. I have half a tooth I imbedded in my gum and hope for not an infection. Very scared. Medicaid is a very good. Medicare for seniors not so much. I should have been more acutely aware of finance's. Thank you Sincerly Margaret Mousseau Middlebury, VT

PBS NewHour

New Jersey
Hello. I'm a long-time viewer of PBS NewsHour, and while I appreciate that the NewsHour has a liberal bend and covers important topics concerning disadvantaged groups, it's starting to feel a bit forced-fed. It seems like the NewsHour is today more focused on trying to find stories to fit a narrative as opposed to reporting the news of the day but making sure to cover things underreported elsewhere. And the coverage of Covid, particularly when it came to views opposing universal vaccination, was disappointing to me considering how the NewsHour champions underreported topics. Just saying, I remember a time when the NewsHour was much less predictable.

The World 3/28/23

New York
During his report on the Ukraine and the Orthodix Church your reporter (Daniel Ordnan?) repeatedly said “Earthodox” to the extent that I began to wonder if this was a sect I’d never heard of. I would think it would be important to be able to properly pronounce a key word in the story and I’m surprised you aired the story like that.

Mark Twain Prize for American Comedy

To be fair and upfront, I am no Adam Sandler fan. I go just "Eh" when he has a movie. I wasn't thrilled with him on SNL. I have never paid to see his films. So I am not on the band wagon. But I want to tell you how badly you missed the point in letting CNN have that broadcast instead of you doing it as usual. A LOT of grown up people like him. He has a huge following among People younger than me but that have money. I have never heard anyone in Hollywood say a bad word about him so he has a lot of fans there. You have missed an opportunity to have people like my son support your network. Those people are future donors that you snubbed. He is not everybody's cup of tea but if he is deserving enough for the Mark Twain people to honor him, you should have broadcast the ceremony! You missed a massive opportunity to broaden your audience and have even more supporters!!

Have Thomas & Friends come back to PBS Kids forever

Hi We were very unsatisfied of seeing Thomas & Friends being off of the PBS Kids station because of Mattel and due to our criticism, both the series and franchise is ruined by Mattel, and we like Thomas & Friends back if PBS Kids can own the series. Leon Hou and the rest of the viewers around

Nature and Nova, on PBS

I only wanted to take a moment, and attempt to express my appreciation for both Nature, and Nova. Aside from a little local news, each morning, we watch almost no television, in my home. We have nothing against TV, we just rarely find time, or any programs worth making time for, except Nature and Nova. I have been following the two programs, from their beginnings, and my now 15yr old son has spent his life, watching the two programs with me. It’s not uncommon for us to share facts with others, after learning something new from the programs, and I often mention to friends, that in our house, only PBS Nature, or Nova, can cause my son and I to sit intently, in front of a television. I should also mention that although I can still remember portions from the early episode about Condors, the intro to Okavango, River of Dreams, stirs emotions so powerful, I end up with tears in my eyes. We tend to come running, each time we hear the Nature theme song, but watching a program we consider to be our familiar friend, transition into a modern day rock song, combined with the visual imagery, was truly stunning. We just finished yet another episode, and I knew I needed to thank someone.


New York
We the people pay for your direct and indirect government grants...almost 500 million of tax payer money. And in return your news is so politically bias that you don't tell us the truth. You don't even cover stories that put democrats in a bad light. And when you are don't correct it or own it...simply stated its not news it opinions...mostly wrong and you know it but you are too afraid of losing your funding to deliver the truth. So does your funding come with a letter stating to continue your grants you must push a political agent because many colleges have admitted need too and apologized to the Americans you been lying too. You when from being the best to being a joke. You are not about sensationalism to make a buck rather cover ups deception and thinking Americans are studip or aren't paying attention. We do pay attention and we want to know what happened to your standards. We just want the truth when watching the news period. We deserve that. PBC I hope your organization gets health again. I hope you fact check and not follow CNN one sided stories. Right now you don't do news only political propaganda. It must be hard to get donations from people if your news is so far left you can't see the other side. So sad. Sooner or later you will pay for this so fix it before we all lose. You have fallen but don't realize it but someday you will. Your news is arbitrary and capricious at best. Your so focused on the money you blindly pretend it's not there.

Washington Week Mar 3, 23

Great program tonight.

Fitness Programming 24/7

We’ve been PBS fans since childhood & members in adulthood. Thank you for the outstanding work that you do. As a “Boomer” born in 1957, I’m really appreciating the fitness programs. Due to so many factors, PBS may be ultimate source for 24/7 fitness example & how-to programming to teach & encourage people of all ages to participate in daily fitness throughout their lives. Many viewers are home bound & lessons of COVID & public health issues is sufficient reason to have an additional programming devoted to all age groups. Thanks again & please consider. Public healthcare/fitness along with education is woefully inadequate for all people in USA.



Weekend Edition

I just have to tell you that I turn off NPR everytime Atesha Roscoe is on. She DOES NOT have a radio voice. It amazes me that she was a white house correspondent! Her voice is annoying, too forced, and her delivery sophomoric. And it not because she's black- she's just average. Not good enough for a national news anchor. Please, get someone who can speak