The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) seeks to engage an Analyst to assist and advise CPB with a review of its Community Service Grant (CSG) programs for public television and radio stations. CPB is funded through an annual appropriation from Congress, and the CSG programs are the mechanism for distributing 65% of the appropriation directly to stations. This review will examine the policies governing CSGs to ensure effective stewardship of the federal appropriation while meeting the mandates of federal laws concerning public broadcasting.
Multiple factors make this CSG review timely and relevant. A decade after an economic recession, there are uneven patterns of recovery around the nation that may affect stations’ ability to fundraise. CPB’s federal appropriation has been flat for seven years. Digital technology is changing the way audiences find, consume, and interact with content. The review process will take these circumstances and others into account as it examines whether any revisions are needed in the CSG program.